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● Emails:
What should I do if I have not received my weekly email with an access code for my next lesson?
Firstly, please check your Junk Mail or SPAM box to check that SpeechSchool.TV emails are not being sent there.  Set your email system to accept emails from courses @  Secondly, if you are still unable to find the access email please contact us so we can send it to you manually.  (It is a good idea to provide us with an alternative email at this time in case your main address is experiencing a problem).

● Programs:
I am unable to access my show with the access code given
Please check your email for the latest access code or notification on your subscription.  You need to always use the access code from your latest subscriber email.  Depending on your security settings, the system may ask you to enter this User name and Password a second time.  (You can copy & paste the password).
I am unable to access previous lessons
All previous lessons are available from the buttons on the right hand side of your latest lesson.  You need to always use the access from your latest subscriber email to access all lessons.

How can I view the lessons on mobile devices such as iPhone, iPad or Android?
Our video lessons are in Flash video format.  In order to watch these videos on mobile devices, you'll first need to install a Flash enabled browser like Puffin.  Alternatively go to your App store and download the preferred 'Flash browser' for your device.

I am unable to view the videos
Ensure that you have the latest Flash player installed with your browser.  This can be downloaded from the website below:

The videos take a long time to load
SpeechSchool.TV is best viewed with a broadband connection on a media equipped computer.  During longer videos it is recommended to pause the video to allow for the upload of the rest of the show.

The video stops midway before completing the lesson
Please pause the video as it plays and allow time for loading.  If this continues to happen please clear your browser history and ensure no other programs are running at the same time.  Do a disk clean up and restart your computer.  Continued failure to fully play the video may be due to a slow or unstable internet connection.

How do I clear my browser history?
In Internet Explorer go to Tools > Internet Options > Delete Browsing History

I am unable to open the exercises files
These require the Adobe PDF reader to view.  You may download this here:

I am unable to open the sound recording files
Right click and save the recording to your computer and use an alternative audio player.  Alternatively update your Windows Media Player:

● Assessments:

My microphone is not recording or not recording clearly
It is recommended to use a high definition plug in microphone such as the one sold on our assessment page.  The microphone receiver should sit a couple of inches from your mouth.  Do not use your computer's built in microphone as the recording level can be inconsistent.  If you are unable to connect a microphone you may need to obtain technical support from your computer supplier.

I am unable to run the Voice Recorder software
Please right click on the link below and select 'save target as'.  Save the software separately on your hard drive and run from there.  It will operate in the same way.

Right click here to save the Voice Recorder

I wish to restart the test and cancel the recording
Because speech is habitual, to ensure the most accurate assessment we do not recommend restarting the test.  However if the recording has become compromised simply press stop and then record to restart (any previous material will be deleted).

● Website:
The buttons are not working correctly on the website
You need to have Java installed with your browser.  You may download this here:

I am having trouble viewing the website or seeing full pages
SpeechSchool.TV is best viewed full screen size in Internet Explorer 8+ at a minimum resolution of 1024x768.  A broadband internet connection is recommended.